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28 2021-05

In the afternoon of May 28, a delegation from China Meheco Group Co., Ltd. (China Meheco) visited Inner Mongolia Datang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Datang Pharm.) The members included Party Secretary and Chairman Li Yadong, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee Su Zhe, Vice General Manager Yuan Jinghua and Assistant General Manager Li Xin. They had a discussion and exchange with the leadership of Datang Pharm., including Hao Yantao, Chairman and General Manager, Sun Yali, Vice General Manager and Secretary of the Board, and Zhao Ming, Vice General Manager. Li Yadong introduced the history, business sectors and development plan of China Meheco. Hao Yantao also briefed on the history, supply chain development and future development strategy of Datang Pharm. The two sides had an in-depth communication and exchange regarding the entire industrial chains of Chinese medicine and the future development of Mongolian medicine.

Li Yadong and his entourage also visited Datang Pharm’s resource building, research institute, chemical production workshop and Chinese medicine production workshop to gain an in-depth understanding of Datang Pharma’s development history, variety construction, production distribution and digital construction.

Other attendees included representatives from China Meheco’s offices (Party Committee Office, General Manager Office), Natural Medicine Division, Investment Center as well as Zhongjian Pharma and Anhui Wansheng.  

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