situs gacor hari ini 2024

29 2021-10

On the afternoon of October 19, China Meheco Group Co., Ltd. (China Meheco) and Gem Flower Healthcare signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing, signaling that the two parties will cooperate in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and medical and health services. Attendees of the signing ceremony included leaders of China Meheco, such as Li Yadong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman, Zhou Xingbing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Yuan Yingsheng and Liu Wei, Vice General Managers, Song Jianmin, Chief Accountant, Yuan Jinghua, Vice General Manager, and Li Xin, Assistant General Manager. Leaders present from Gem Flower Healthcare were Executive Vice Chairman Wang Xiaobin, President Wang Yang, Executive Vice President Zhang Hui, Chief Accountant Wang Wenhua, and Vice President Guan Tie.

Wang Xiaobin said that China Meheco and Gem Flower Healthcare have their own advantages in many business fields, while sharing common points in their development ideas. They have a broad basis and good prospects of cooperation in the fields of pharmaceutical innovation and R&D, the construction of a centralized procurement alliances platform and a medical informationization platform, and the provision of international medical services. After signing the strategic cooperation agreement, the two sides will focus on the strategic cooperation consensus, have in-depth exchanges on and carry out practical cooperation in specific fields for mutual complementarity and win-win results. They, while putting into practice the Healthy China strategy, are expected to promote the sustainable and high-quality development of both enterprises.

Li Yadong said that the strategic cooperation between Gem Flower Healthcare and China Meheco is led by the Healthy China strategy and based on the principles of "market-oriented operation, resource sharing, mutual complementarity, equality and mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation". In the background of the new development paradigm of "dual circulation" in China, the strategic cooperation between Gem Flower Healthcare and China Meheco, based on their resource endowment and respective advantages, is an important strategic choice for both sides to face the new situation and achieve new goals, which is not only conducive to promoting synergistic innovation between the two sides but also jointly building a good ecosystem in the industry. This partnership will certainly have a profound and positive impact on the development of the two enterprises.

Based on this cooperation, China Meheco and Gem Flower Healthcare will actively encourage the implementation of specific cooperation projects, continuously expand the cooperation fields and cooperation ideas of both sides, and work together to open a new chapter of serving the strategy of "Healthy China".

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