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17 2021-09

From September 15 to 17, China Meheco held a seminar on learning and implementing the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on July 1 and 2021 high-quality development strategy at Xinxing Hotel. Xie Biao, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice General Manager of China Meheco, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Li Yadong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Meheco, made concluding remarks on the seminar. Tong Chaoyin, Director of China Meheco assigned by the Group, and Qiang Yong, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, attended the meeting and made accurate comments. Through four links (strategy introduction, publicity, discussion, and results presentation), the seminar decoded the strategies around China Meheco's five major strategic business areas, clarified its strategic positioning, explored its strategic paths, and launched a must-win campaign to promote the implementation of China Meheco's "14th Five-Year Plan" strategy with a new style.

Other attendees included Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Zhou Xingbing, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee Su Zhe, Vice General Manager Yuan Yingsheng, Vice General Manager Liu Wei, Chief Accountant Song Jianmin, Vice General Manager Yuan Jinghua, and Assistant General Manager Li Xin. More than 120 people from all departments of the headquarters of China Meheco, all business units, and the main persons in charge of each secondary company attended the meeting.

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